There are plenty of items and resources you can find while visiting the shops across Paldea. One of the more useful items that you would like to get your hands on are Mints, but they cannot be accessed until much further into the game. Mints can help you change your Pokémon’s nature, so you would be willing to get them as soon as possible. In this guide, we will see where to get mints in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet – Where to Get Mints
Mints can help you change the nature of your Pokémon, and various mints can help you do that. Here we will see where to get mints in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
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There is only one chain of stores that will help you with getting Mints, and that is the Chansey Supply shop. There are four locations where you can find this store, namely in Mesagoza, Cascarrafa, Levincia, and Montenevera. Hit these locations to find the Chansey Supply shop, then head inside to buy Mints. If you cannot find mints in their shop menu, you need to first defeat 6 Gyms and get 6 Gym Badges to unlock this option. Each mint will cost 20,000 Pokedollars, so you should have enough to get the desired mint.
Another way to get mint is by scavenging in the overworld, but mints are hard to come by this way. Also, if you win the Academy Ace Tournament, you can get Mints as a reward. You can unlock the Academy Ace Tournament after completing all three storylines of the game.
That’s all there is to know about getting mints in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.