MW3 Zombies Exterminator Mission – Complete the Spore Contract in Under 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds

QM Staff
4 Min Read

With the Zombie mode added to the game, there are many new contacts related to the zombies and one of the contracts is called Spore Contract in which players need to collect the Inhibitors and then throw them at the Spores and then destroy them once the spores are red. There are 6 Spores and players need to destroy them all to complete the mission. There is no time limit for this contract normally but for the Exterminator Mission, there is a time limit of 2 minutes 30 seconds to complete this mission which can be very difficult. This guide will show you How to complete the Spore mission in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds for the Extermination mission in Modern Warfare 3. 

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Complete the Spore Contract in Under 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds

To complete the Spore Contract under the required timer of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, players first need to make some preparations: 

  1. Players first need to get fully equipped with good weapons like AR or even LMG is a good 
  2. After that, if players have the Inhibitors from the past runs in their inventory, put them in the bag (this will make the players skip one part of the contract) 6 inhibitors are required 
  3. After that, players need to make sure that the Spore Contract is located in the lowest Threat (level 1) 
  4. If the contract is a higher-level threat it will become extremely difficult and the amount of Zombies will be higher as well 

Now that, players have fulfilled the above-mentioned requirements, they are ready to complete the mission: 

  1. Players need to have a vehicle and then start the Spore Contract 
  2. Then go and collect the Inhibitors for the contract (6 of them and can skip if players already have them) 
  3. Then players will see that there are 6 light blue circles on their mini-map, these are the locations of the spores 
  4. Now to make this quick it is recommended to throw the Inhibitor on One Spore and then run to another to throw it there as well 
  5. After that, come back to the first one and shoot the spore (egg shape), the spore can only be shot if it is red colour (it takes a few seconds for it to turn red) 
  6. Repeat this process 3 times if players are solo and if there are 3 other teammates, simply do the process simultaneously to easily complete the contract within 2 minutes and 30 seconds 

That’s all you need to know about How to complete the Spore mission in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds for the Extermination mission in Modern Warfare 3. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news about Modern Warfare 3 and various other games. 

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