The Combine Items feature in Monster Hunter Stories 2 is similar to the crafting mechanism in other games. It allows you to combine different items found throughout the world to make unique and more useful items such as Potion and Paintball. As you start the game, these are the first two items you will make via Combine Items, but as you gather more resources, the list of items you can make will grow. Here, in this guide, we will show you how to use the Combine Items feature in Monster Hunter Stories 2.
How to Use Combine Items in Monster Hunter Stories 2
To use the Combine Items feature, you need to first access the interface that allows that and it’s quite easy. On Switch, you just need to bring up the Camp Menu, which is the X button. From the Camp menu, you should be able to see the Combine Items tab. When you click on Combine, you will be able to see a list of all items that you can combine to make something else.
If you are just starting out with the game, the very first things you will be able to make are the Potion and Paintball. The potion is a healing or recovery item and paintball is an offense item that you can use on monsters.
When you are in the Combine menu, you can go to each unlocked item to check the recipe of the items required to combine to make the item. As you progress in the Quest Board and fulfill villager requests, you will unlock new items that you can combine.
When you click on an item in the combine menu, you will not just be able to see the required items, but also their numbers and the items you currently have on you and a bunch of other details. So, press the X and go to the menu to learn more about the Combine Item feature in Monster Hunter Stories 2.