Modern Warfare 3 Reactor Mission – How to Unlock the Fire Station Door

QM Staff
2 Min Read

Players will be fighting their way through many missions but some of the missions will require them to think on their feet and use the surrounding area to their advantage. One such mission is called the Reactor mission in which players need to unlock the Fire Station door which is stuck and can’t be broken through. This guide will show you How to Unlock the Fire Station Door in Modern Warfare 3. 

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How to Unlock the Fire Station Door?

In order to unlock the Fire Station Door to collect extra loot, players need to follow these steps:

  1. Players will be in the Fire Station for the Reactor mission
  2. During that, they will come across a door which is appeared to be stuck but players can see loot inside the room if they jump 
  3. To get inside, players need to first leave the Fire Station building 
  4. Then go to the Rooftop using the rope on the side wall 
  5. After reaching the roof, players will see a Huge Red “X” mark on the building wall 
  6. Climb inside the window next to the sign and players will be inside the room next to the locked one
  7. Now players will see the chair and some crates blocking the way, so simply shoot the chair to open the way 
  8. Now go back down the rooftop and go to the locked door again but this time it will be unlocked and players can collect all the loot. 

That’s all you need to know about How to Unlock the Fire Station Door for Reactor Mission in Modern Warfare 3. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news about Modern Warfare 3 and various other games. 

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