Resident Evil 4 Remake, the name itself reveals that this game is not the original game. Instead, this game is a remake version of the original Resident Evil 4, released in 2005. However, the remake version was one of the most-awaited games of 2023, and since the game was released, players have jumped into it to explore the features. In action-adventure games, weapon plays a vital role, and Resident Evil 4 Remake is no exception. This guide will help players know whether to use Striker Shotgun in the game or not.
Striker Shotgun Qualities and Defects in Resident Evil 4 Remake- Shall I use It?
Resident Evil 4 Remake has a few weapons that players can either find from different locations or purchase from the Merchant. There are ARs, SMGs, and Shotguns in the game, and of course, not all of them are equally useful during your gameplay. Striker Shotgun is one of many shotguns available in the game, and it is natural that players will try to compare it with other shotguns to know which is better.
Striker Shotgun has more ammo capacity than other shotguns. Players can shoot enemies without worrying about reloading the weapon frequently. Its fire rate is also better than other shotguns. So, you can take down enemies with Striker if they are not heavily armored. Additionally, it takes less inventory space than other weapons.

However, one of the biggest negative sides of this weapon is that Striker Shotgun lacks reload speed and can’t be used while boss fights. During the boss fight, players can’t take too long to reload their weapons. So, the reloading speed has made this weapon a bit problematic to use in a critical situation. In this case, other shotguns surpass this one.
Each weapon has pros and cons. So, you can’t expect Striker to become a perfect weapon with every good quality present in it. If you want a weapon that has a high fire rate and increased magazine size, Striker is the best option. This weapon is better than many others in the game. So, except for boss fights, you can use it to kill regular enemies in the game.
That’s all you need to know about whether to use Striker Shotgun in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Using it or not is entirely your choice, but we have discussed all the advantages and disadvantages of the shotgun in this article.
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