How to Use a P.K.E Blast in Ghostbusters Spirit Unleashed

QM Staff
3 Min Read

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is the best game to play if you’re looking for a good scare. The idea of hunting ghosts in a haunted house with some of your friends is the perfect way to spend a crazy night. In Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, you can use items like P.K.E. to find ghosts. The P.K.E. Meter is a handy tool for Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. It can help you find ghosts and Rifts and can also be used as an offensive weapon against them. 

Here’s how to use the P.K.E. Blast in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed.

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How to Use P.K.E Blast?

P.K.E. Blast should be displayed on the right side of your screen when the P.K.E. Meter is out. To use the P.K.E Blast, hold down the button indicated, and the Meter’s arms will bend upwards into almost a “U” shape. This means that the blast is charging. A few seconds later, the P.K.E. Blast will be released.

P.K.E. Blast is a powerful ability that can be very useful when you’re trying to find a Rift or Ghost. If you are standing at close range, this blast can force a Ghost to unpossess an object, stun them, and destroy its minions. Although it deals a significant amount of damage, it comes with a drawback. P.K.E. Meter must be restarted once you use it, so you won’t be able to use it for a minute or two.

This concludes our guide on how to use P.K.E blast in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. You’ll be able to find more of our guides about this new game. So read on to know more. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques 1. Where to find P.K.E Blast?

Ans. P.K.E Blast is displayed on the right side of the screen when the P.K.E Meter is out.

Ques 2. What is the use of P.K.E Blast?

Ans. The P.K.E Blast is useful in finding rifts or ghosts.

Ques 3. What is the drawback of using P.K.E Blast?

Ans. The drawback is that Once you use the blast ability, your P.K.E. Meter will go for cooldown. A blast cannot be used again until the Cooldown timer ends. 

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