Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG game set in the wizarding world. The game takes inspiration from the Harry Potter world but is set way before the movie and the events of the book. The game is set to release on 10th February only for PC and the latest consoles but it will be released later on April 4th for PS4 and Xbox One and 25th July for Switch. It will provide 72 hours of early access to the player who bought the deluxe version.
Hogwarts Legacy will have many things to explore from the school to the areas nearby so players can enjoy finding and solving many types of puzzles. One of the puzzles is the Empty Frame puzzle which is found in various locations in the school castle and in the open world. In this guide, you will learn how to solve the empty frame puzzle and what rewards it will give.
How to solve empty frame puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy?
In order to solve the puzzle, players first need to find the empty frame, which can be found on the wall with other picture frames. In movies, it just meant that the person whose painting it is has just wandered off but in the game, it is a puzzle. So keen eye students will find many frames in the whole castle. After you found the empty frame, players need to use Lumos spell on it to activate the puzzle. After activating the puzzle, players need to follow these steps:
- After using the Lumos, the frame will show some location (clue)
- Players need to find this place and a green moth but don’t worry the location is always nearby.
- Players will need to find the green moth in the location (players can use Revelio Spell to locate the moth)
- After locating the moth, players need to interact with it and it will start following them.
- Players need to go back to the empty frame.
- After reaching the empty frame, Players will need to cast Lumos spell again
- Casting the Lumos spell will make the moth settle in the frame
- The puzzle will be completed and you will get the rewards.
Note: it is recommended that players should complete the empty frame puzzle as they come across them as these puzzles spawn randomly.
The reward for solving the empty frame puzzle is a new field guide page. There are many field guide pages that players need to find and some of them are hidden behind puzzles like empty frame puzzles.
That’s all you need to know about how to solve the empty frame puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for all the latest news and guides about Hogwarts Legacy and other games.