How to Make Silk Thread in Smalland: Survive the Wilds

QM Staff
3 Min Read

Action-adventure survival games are one of the most favorite gaming genres worldwide. Players love the challenges these games present. The challenges and enemies make these games exciting and attract players’ attention. Being an action-adventure survival game Smalland: Survive the Wilds also has enemies and challenges to survive and progress through the game. However, there are a few required items players need to craft, and the Silk Thread is one of them. This guide will help you know how to make Silk Thread in Smalland: Survive the Wilds.

Smalland: Survive the Wilds Silk Thread Crafting Guide- How to Do?

Crafting is a common mechanism that almost every action-adventure and survival game has. As you progress through these games, it is natural that you need powerful weapons and armor, and the crafting system helps you make these items. Similarly, Smalland: Survive the Wilds also has a crafting system that lets you craft several items required to progress through the game.

Silk Thread is one of the many items players can craft in the game, and the crafting process requires Silk, Resin, and Loom & Spindle. The first thing you need to craft is the Loom and Spindle. This requires 10 Resin, 10 Silk, 2 Fiber, and 7 Refined wood. Resin can be found from Saplings and trees. Refined Wood is found from Wood and then mixing them with Seed Oil. Silk will be found in Spider Cocoons. Fiber can be found from Spalings, plants, and trees.

Smalland: Survive the Wilds Silk Thread Crafting Guide- How to Do

Once your Loom and Spindle are ready, place it near your shelter and interact with it to see the recipes you can craft using it. The second recipe will be Silk Thread. As we have mentioned, Silk Thread requires 2 Silk and 1 Resin. Silk can be found from breaking Spider Cocoons, and Resin can be found from trees and Saplings.

Once you have collected the required materials to craft Silk Thread, interact with the Loom and Spindle, select the recipe, and it will be crafted using the available resources.

That’s all you need to know about how to make Silk Thread in Smalland: Survive the Wilds.

Read Next: Smalland Survive the Wilds – How to Get Food and Unlock Recipes, Smalland Survive the Wilds – How to Get Mounts.

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