Xenoblade Chronicles is an action Japanese RPG developed by Monolith Soft and recently released for Switch. The game is past-paced and the recent version features an upgraded Definitive Edition. While the overall story of the game and gameplay remains the same, the graphics and hence the visual of the game has had a complete makeover. If you have played the older version of the game, you are set be to pleasantly greeted with the new aesthetes of the environment in the game. Healing plays a crucial role to surviving in the game. Hence, in this guide, we will show you how to heal in Xenoblade Chronicles.
Restore Health and Heal in Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles is distinct from the traditional RPG’s you might be used to playing. It does not involve potions or objects that can restore the health of the player. Instead, it has Arts. Arts allows you to heal your health and you will have to rely on them during battles. However, if you have recently used up the Arts and it’s in the cooldown, there is not much you can do other than accept your fate and plan the battle better the next time.
When you initially jump into the game, only the Shulk character has the ability to heal. Light Heal is an Arts that can restore the health of a party member in the game. In the battle, you can pop open the Arts control and select the player whose health you want restore. Once used, the Light Heal has a cooldown period of 22.8 seconds and provides a recovery of 341-410. So, you will have to wait the cooldown time to be up to use it on another team member or the same individual.
But as you progress through the game, you will be rewarded with more effective and dependable heal spells. Particularly when you reach Chapter 4 and Sharla joins your party. She brings along some very useful restoration spells. Sharla brings Heal Bullet and Heal Blast, as with Light Heal, these two Heal Arts can also only heal a single party member but they are more effective and hence Sharla will be your go-to healer at least for the first few hours in the game.
Heal Blast has a cooldown duration of 77.4 seconds and can recover 647-710. This is your best heal in the game so far, but also come with a caveat – the long cooldown. It also Fills Talent Gauge by 20%.
If Sharla is not the active party leader, it can benefit the team more when she is the leader. When she is not the leader, she can restore the health of the team members whenever they require it. The need to heal is basically required when you are in combat, other than that when you complete a battle the HP of all the players automatically refills.
We hope that now you know how to heal in Xenoblade Chronicles. There is nothing to it really, as you start the game you can rely on the Light Heal and after Chapter 4, you have two more powerful heal in Xenoblade Chronicles – the Heal Bullet and Heal Blast.