How to Get Whirlwind Artifact Location in Stalker 2

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Whirlwind is a new artifact in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. You need to get a Whirlwind artifact in order to complete one of the side quests. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of obtaining the Whirlwind artifact, including additional tips for farming it effectively.

Whirlwind Artifact Location in Stalker 2

Whirlwinds can only be found in gravitational anomalies. You can find anomalous fields in the Lesser Zone. You can farm for Whirlwind at two locations:

1. At the Ribs point of interest

2. At the Deaf Meadow 

In every anomaly field, a random artifact spawns, it can be either the Whirlwind artifact or any of the other artifacts that can spawn in a gravitational anomaly.

How to Get Whirlwind Artifact in Stalker 2

First, you need to quickly save a little bit further back from the point of interest, where the anomalous field is, so it will spawn a different artifact every time you approach it. All you have to do is just go into the field and look for the artifact and loot it. If it’s not Whirlwind, you can quickly ‘load’ the last save and try again. Try multiple times to get the Whirlwind from both Ribs point of interest and the Deaf Meadow. Also, use bolts to pass through the anomalies easily.

Whirlwind has two buffs and a little debuff, but it is also beneficial if you equip it, as you can go through these vortex anomalies and be pretty much unharmed or with little damage. It is quite useful as it protects you from physical damage from gravitational anomalies.

Additional Tips

If you already looted these anomalous fields, you can again farm the artifacts. You just have to wait for any mission to happen; when the sky turns red, and you have to go into the shelter, this will respawn artifacts at the anomalous fields. So, you can go back to the Ribs point of interest and the Deaf Meadow to hunt for the Whirlwind artifact. Also, you don’t have to use the Whirlwind artifact to protect you for the gravitational effect of the vortex anomalies, you can use any artifact that provides you with physical protection and you will be able to go through these vortexes with little or no damage.

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Damsel in her own distress, abodes in her imaginary world, and enchanted by the magical realms of Elden Ring. A professional overthinker who loves to weave captivating stories, and is fascinated by the art of doing nothing. When not lost in thought, paints canvases that echo her wildest daydreams!
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