In the franchise’s lore, Dragon Balls are the most powerful artefacts. Throughout the anime, they’ve revived people from the dead, dramatically boosted characters’ abilities, and even sparked world-ending events at times. In Sparking Zero, gathering Dragon Balls offers a fast track to level up, unlock characters without all the grinding, earn more Zeni, and much more. In this guide, we will share everything you need to know about collecting and using Dragon Balls in Sparking Zero.
How to Find Dragon Balls in Fast DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO
1. There are several ways to get Dragon Balls in Sparking! ZERO. The easiest method is to buy the season pass or the Ultimate edition of the game, which lets players summon Shenron and Super Shenron, respectively. Since the first season pass comes with the Ultimate edition, it essentially covers both options.
2. To get the coveted Dragon Balls, summon Shenron, Porunga, and Super Shenron and collect the seven Dragon Balls associated with each. Shenron is the easiest to summon and will likely be the one you encounter the most. You can earn his Dragon Balls through Zen-Oh’s Orders and Whis’ Stamp Book, you’ll need to complete certain challenges and missions listed in Zen-Oh’s Orders. After you finish these tasks, Whis will reward you with a Dragon Ball.
By completing the objectives below, you’ll earn one Dragon Ball for each one you finish:
Perform Ultimate Blast | 10 times |
Complete a Battle Training session | 5 times |
Achieve victory in Goku’s Saga | 10 times |
Create a battle in Custom Battle | 1 time |
Clear a Bonus Battle | 1 time |
Play Offline battle | 3 times |
Edit a Player Card | 1 time |
3. Players can farm Shenron and Porunga Dragon Balls by engaging in regular battles. While the drop rate is pretty low, choosing a stage with Out-of-Bounds and using the Rising Fighting Spirit Ability Item, which costs 150,000 Zeni in the shop, allows you to start each match with a special move for a quick ring-out. This approach is also effective for improving character proficiency, as you can level up to five Sparking! ZERO fighters simultaneously. Just remember, you can generally expect to get a Dragon Ball about once every twenty to thirty fights. However, Porunga’s Dragon Balls are a bit trickier to obtain. Unlike Shenron’s, they don’t seem to be rewards from Zen-Oh or Whis; instead, they drop randomly in regular matches.
Dragon Balls wishes in Fast DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO
Following are the wishes of different Dragon Balls:
Dragons | Wishes |
Shenron | I want more Zeni. I want you to raise my Player Level. I want more titles. I want new outfits. I want to complete an Episode Battle |
Porunga | I want more Zeni. I want you to raise my Player Level. I want more titles. I want ability items. |
Super Shenron | I want more characters. I want more Zeni. I want you to raise my Player Level. I want new outfits. I want ability items. I want more titles. |
I want more Zeni
This option gives players some free money to spend in the shop on items, characters, outfits, and more. While it’s an easy wish to make, it feels a bit like a waste since Zeni is fairly easy to earn in the game.
I want you to raise my Player Level
Using this wish will raise your player level, which doesn’t have a significant impact overall, but it does lead to more items showing up in the shop. The highest Player Level you can reach is 20, which you can achieve by completing all the story mode and bonus battles.
I want more titles
Choosing this wish allows players to select from a few unique titles that can only be obtained from Shenron. While it’s not the most practical wish to make, some of the titles are pretty fun options.
I want new outfits
Choosing this option will prompt Shenron to offer you a few outfits for specific characters. When I made this wish, I had the choice of outfits for Roshi, Yamcha, Goku, and Krillin, and it appears that those options don’t get replaced once you select them.
I want ability items.
One of the more confusing wishes in Sparking Zero is for ability items, which are essentially capsules used to customize characters. The ability items, like Broly’s Ring, seem to be exclusive to Shenron, so they could be worth getting. The only issue is that Shenron doesn’t explain what the items do until after you’ve made the wish.
I want more characters.
This wish seems to be exclusive to Super Shenron and is only applicable for two characters in the game; Goku Black and Fused Zamasu. After making this wish, you can’t wish for any other characters. It’s unclear if you can earn either of them outside of Super Shenron, but this is a solid way to gain access to both.
I want to complete an Episode Battle
The most intriguing wish grants you a Dragon Orb that can reduce the difficulty of a secondary condition in an Episode Battle. This makes it easier to explore the what-if scenarios, making it one of the most useful wishes in the game, even if it’s quite specific. It only seems to be available when you have a scenario left to complete.