Lost Judgement is an excellent, thrilling mystery game full of twists and turns. The game’s story revolves around the Private detective Takayuki Yagami, investigating a criminal accused of murder and sexual harassment. It is a single-player game, and the players can control Takayuki Yagami during his investigation to different cities of Japan.
Exploring the streets of urban Japan, fighting with thugs, taking up photos using a drone, assisting in the dance club- this game has many things to do. The detective has to travel a lot to investigate the case. He has to go to Yokohama and Komorocho as fast as possible to solve it. So he needs to travel fast. This guide will help the players to know how to travel quickly in the game.
How to Fast Travel in Lost Judgement
In most games, to travel from one place to another, the players need to open their map and select the location, and they are directly teleported to that location. It is not the case with Lost Judgement.
In Lost Judgement, the traveling system is just like the real world. Players can’t fast travel using the map. In this game, the players need to find a cab and interact with the driver to travel. Choose the location you want to travel to and pay the fare. Then the cab will take you to your destination. Players can use their map to find out the taxi stand nearby.