There are several types of sword in Valheim, but the Dyrnwyn looks the most impressive. Dyrnwyn is a blade on fire, so it serves various purposes besides combat such as a torch. It deals a huge amount of fire damage to mobs that are weak to fire. But, the Dyrnwyn is not yet included in the game. It’s one of the questions that players have been asking besides crafting a level 6 Workbench and use of Flametal Ore found in Ashlands. Stick with the post and we will show you how to get Dyrnwyn in Valheim.
How to Get the Dyrnwyn Sword in Valheim
Dyrnwyn cannot be obtained from playing the game normally as it’s not been incorporated yet. We can make a guess here and say that the rare metal the Flametal found in Ashlands would be key to crafting the weapon. So, if you want a head start and make the weapon when it becomes available, we suggest you go to Ashlands and farm the Flametal. You would probably require a level 7 Forge to craft the Dyrnwyn.
Once you have the Flametal Ore, you can make the Flametal using the Blast Furnace. All the above information are assumptions so take it with a pinch of salt.
To get the Dyrnwyn in Valheim right now, you will have to use cheats. The sword is in the game, but unobtainable via crafting. But, using cheats can allow you to get the sword. Enable cheat codes in the game and type imacheater in the F5 console. Now, enter the code spawn SwordIronFire to get the item in the game.
Like all swords, the Dyrnwyn deals slash damage of 55 and also fire damage of 30. It can set mobs on fire dealing damage for a long time.
So, that’s how you get the Dyrnwyn Sword in Valheim.