Steam Deck has some pretty nifty features to try out, but some problems don’t have a solution yet. In this guide, we will see if there is a way to change the language preference on Steam Deck.
How to Change Language in Steam Deck
Steam Deck is an all-in-one gaming console that is easy and convenient to use, but what happens when you are not comfortable with the default language? Here we will see if there is any way to change the language setting on Steam Deck
Steam Deck currently doesn’t support other languages besides English, but you can change the system script to make it accommodate a foreign language. You will have to keep your Steam Deck turned off and the application closed for this and open the script on your PC.
For Windows, open a new notepad and input the following script
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Elgato Systems GmbH\StreamDeck]
Inside the final bracket where EN is, type the language code of your choice, for example, ES for Spanish or FR for French. Save the file as ForceLocalizationEN.reg and change the EN to your preferred language. Place this file in your Registry Key for Steam Deck, then double click it to launch it. Now turn on your Steam Deck to check if the default language has been changed. You can go back to the previous language by changing the script language again.
For Mac, you will have to change the script in the Terminal with the following
defaults write com.elgato.StreamDeck preferred_localized_language “EN”
The process is the same and you can now run your Steam Deck in your preferred language.
It is not known if Steam Deck will eventually implement a language change soon, but for now, you can try this method and let us know if it worked for you.
Steam Deck is from VALVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the ST(R)EAM Deck is from Elgato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLZ USE THE BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!