Gray Zone Warfare The Shadow Over Ban Pa Part 2 Task Guide

Harsh Clif
2 Min Read

Among the numerous tasks that the game requires you to uncover the secret, one of them is the Shadow OVer Ban Pa. It’s a straightforward quest. The mission requires you to go over to the cult leader’s house and find a piece of intel that you can bring back to the base to complete the task. So, to get over this task, you need to first find the intel and then bring it back to the base. In this guide, we will share the location of the intel for the Shadow Over Ban Pa Part 2 Task.

Location of Intel for The Shadow Over Ban Pa Part 2 in Gray Zone Warfare

To find the intel, you need to head to the coordinates (205, 137). Be careful while going to the location as there are AIs. But, once the AIs are cleared, you will notice, there are a lot of houses that all appear similar.

The house that you need to enter is the one that has a lot of Chinese Decorations with iconic red Chinese lamps. The house is at the edge of the water. Once you have located the house, head to the second floor and as soon as you enter, you will be able to notice candles lit on a table.

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Approach the table and there should be a book. Take the book and you have acquired the intel required by the task. Take it to base and the objective is complete.

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
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