Gray Zone Warfare Medical Detective Task Guide – NT Doc Office Key

Harsh Clif
3 Min Read

Supplies have gone missing from the base and you are required to investigate and bring intel on the individual who has betrayed the company. This is quite a simple mission that takes place in Nam Thaven, but the task requires you to find the Nam Thaven Doctor’s Office key. Finding keys in the game has proven to be difficult due to the low drop rate. We will show you how to complete the Medical Detective task, the doctor’s office location, and how to get the NT Doc Office key.

Gray Zone Warfare Medical Detective Task Guide

To find the missing supplies in the nearby town, which is NT, you need to locate the Doctor’s office. The office is quite close to LZ Bravo-1 and the exact coordinates are (169, 116). To identify the Doctor’s office, look for The caduceus symbol on the street and the building. The entrance to the office building also has distinct blood spots. Below is the map location of the Doctor’s office.

Doctor's Office Location

After you have the key, simply unlock the door and enter the office. There is a book on the desk that you can pick up and complete the mission. Simply return to Gunny and the task will be complete.

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NT Doc Office Key Location – How to Unlock Doc’s Office

I had difficulty finding the key but was able to complete the task as the door was already unlocked by someone else. If you cannot find the key, try to locate someone on the base who has the key and do the mission with them or if you are in luck, the door will already be unlocked.

I was able to find the key later on by killing and looting the AI in the vicinity of the Doctor’s office. Simply go around killing the AIs and with some luck you will find the key. I think if someone else gets the key when the server is live, the key does not drop anymore.

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
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