Fortnite is one of the most famous battle royales of recent times. Since its launch in 2017, this game never loses popularity; instead, its fanbase is ever-increasing. The current Fortnitemare Event in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 will end in a few days, and players are excited to explore everything and complete all the Fortnitemare quests before the Event ends. After the Inkquisitor, now the game tasks the players to find and defeat Willow at Willow’s Haunt.
This guide will help you complete the quest and find Willow’s Haunt in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4.
“Help Defeat Willow at Willow’s Haunt” Fortnitemare Quest- Guide to Complete
The Halloween event Fortnitemare not only brought new quests and weapons but also introduced some dangerous NPCs like Inkqusitor and Willow. Willow is one of the most challenging NPCs you have ever fought in Fortnite. So before you fight her, you must carry Health and Shield items along with Weapons. Until you enter her Haunt, Willow won’t disturb you, but you have to fight her once you enter.
Now, if you want to start this quest, you may get confused about the location of Willow’s Haunt. It is indeed a bit tricky to find out Willow’s Haunt as it is not marked on the map. However, you’ll find Willow’s Haunt on the northwest side of Reality Tree. To make it easier to identify, we have marked the location on the map.

We recommend you get weapons and shield before you enter Willow’s Haunt. Generally, the boss roams on the first floor of her house, but she will come out if she notices you. So, be careful while entering the location. Willow uses her melee weapon to attack you, but she hits hard. So keep your distance and avoid her attacks as much as possible.
Willow has a massive health pool, so it’ll be difficult to kill her solo. However, the relaxing thing is that the quest doesn’t tell you to kill her; you only need to help kill her. So deal a good amount of damage and then survive and wait if someone else will kill it for you. The most important part is to become alive at Willow’s Haunt, as many players will try to complete the same quest simultaneously, and there will be a huge crowd. Anyways, you can kill Willow solo if you can position yourself at enough distance from her because she will try to get closer as she only has her axe to attack.
That’s all you need to know about how to defeat Willow at Willow’s Haunt in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4.
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