With the launch of the next-gen PS5 console, users have also been exposed to a range of new error codes. The PS5 Error Code CE-106667-6 ‘Something went wrong. Download failed’ occurs when the user attempts to download a game. The error has mostly been reported with recent PS5 games like Black Ops Cold War, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and Godfall, but can occur when you are downloading any new game on the console. If you have encountered the error and are worried about downloading a new game, don’t worry, stick around and we help you resolve the error.
Fix PS5 Error Code CE-106667-6 ‘Something went wrong’ | Download failed
There is nothing unique about the PS5 Error Code CE-106667-6 ‘Something went wrong,’ the message is generic that accompanies a bunch of other error codes. That’ what is most frustrating about the error code as we do not know exactly what caused the error. We know that the error occurs when the download has failed. Under most circumstances, a simple restart of the download should be able to resolve the error and get the game downloading once again.
Although the PlayStation website has very good documentation of all the error codes in PS4, it seems Sony has not yet updated the database for PS5, which makes these early encounters with various error codes short of a mystery and difficult to address. If you are looking for specific reasons why the download fails, you are out-of-luck as there is not much on the web, forums, or the Sony website. Since the error states ‘Something went wrong,’ we assume the error may arise due to your internet connection or the PSN.
Some of the titles released recently on PS5 are triple-A titles, so naturally, users would be flooded the servers in an attempt to download the game, which could be causing the PS5 Error Code CE-106667-6. Another error code with a similar message is the PS5 Error Code CE-107867-9.
The good news in all of this is a simple restart of the download can fix the error. And on the PS5, you won’t have to re-download the old files, you can start where the download stopped.
If the download still fails to start after the reboot, you will have to cancel the download and start it again anew. To do it, cancel the current download, go to the PlayStation Store, and choose to download the game again.
In case, your download is still failing with the error code, you may have to delete the cache from the console and, or, power-cycle the PS5. To delete the cache, perform hard-reset. To power-cycle, reboot the entire system. Once you have performed the above steps, attempt to download the game and that should do the trick.
That’s all we have in this guide, we hope that the PS5 Error Code CE-106667-6 ‘Something went wrong’ is resolved. If you have a better workaround, let us know in the comments.