All the player’s Attributes and terminology in MLB The Show 23 explained 

QM Staff
4 Min Read

MLB The Show 23 has a lot of information and abbreviations in the player characters’ stats menu. It can be hard to figure out what everything means and how it affects your performance. However, it is useful to know the meaning of each attribute and term in the game. Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I will explain all the attributes and terminology in MLB The Show 23.

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List of all the attributes and terminology used in MLB The Show 23

Here are all the attributes which players will find in the game with their meanings: 

  1. ARM ACC
  • Players’ arm accuracy, influences the accuracy with which they can throw the ball.
  1. ARM STR 
  • Players’ arm strength, influences the distance they can throw the ball.
  1. BB/9
  • Pitcher’s walks allowed per 9 innings, or ability to locate the strike zone.
  1. BLK 
  • Catcher’s blocking, or ability to prevent wild pitches.
  1. BNT
  • Batter’s ability to successfully bunt the ball into play.
  1. BR AGG
  • Base runner’s aggressiveness when stealing bases or taking extra bases when the ball is in play.
  1. BRK 
  • Pitcher’s break, or ability to successfully add movement to off-speed and breaking pitches.
  1. CLU 
  • Batter’s clutch, which is measured against PCLU when there are runners on base.
  1. CON L
  • Batter’s contact against left-handed pitchers.
  1. CON R
  • Batter’s contact against left-handed pitchers.
  1. CTRL 
  • Pitcher’s control, or ability to successfully execute off-speed and breaking pitches.
  1. DISC
  • Batter’s discipline, influences their ability to check swings.
  1. DRG BNT
  • Batter’s ability to successfully perform a drag bunt, and successfully begin running while bunting the ball into play.
  1. DUR
  • Pitchers’ durability influences their ability to recover stamina.
  1. FLD
  • Players’ fielding ability, influences their ability to deal with the ball when batted towards them.
  1. H/9
  • Pitcher’s hits per 9 innings, or ability to limit hits allowed and reduce contact.
  1. HR/9
  • Pitchers’ home runs allowed per 9 innings, or ability to limit home runs.
  1. K/9
  • Pitcher’s strikeouts per 9 innings, or ability to achieve strikeouts while ahead in the count.
  1. PCI
  • The Plate Coverage Indicator is the target you control in Zone batting.
  1. PCLT 
  • Pitcher’s clutch, which is measured against CLU when there are runners on base.
  1. PWR L
  • Batter’s power against left-handed pitchers.
  1. PWR R
  • Batter’s power against right-handed pitchers.
  1. REAC
  • Player’s ability to react to the trajectory of a ball coming off the bat.
  1. SPD
  • Player’s running speed in batting and fielding scenarios.
  1. STA 
  • Pitcher’s stamina or ability to pitch deep into games.
  1. STL 
  • Batter’s ability to successfully steal bases
  1. VEL
  • Pitcher’s velocity, or speed at which they can throw the ball.
  1. VIS
  • Batter’s vision, affects the size of the PCI.

That’s all the attributes and terminology which players will see in the MLB The Show 23. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news about the MLB The Show 23 and various other games.

Read More: Fix MLB The Show 23 Network error, List of all the achievements in MLB The Show 23.

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