Asobo Studio’s A Plague Tale: Requiem is a horror adventure-survival game centered around two siblings called Amicia and Hugo. The player leads them through Southern France where rats are spreading the deadly black plague, and they must escape and save themselves. The tools that they find in their journey will assist them, as they need to keep themselves safe from rats and other horrors. In this guide, we will take you through the process of how to unlock new skills in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
How to Unlock New Skills in A Plague Tale: Requiem
Skills are an important aspect of most games as this is how players can use their experience and get boosted. A Plague Tale: Requiem has a skill mechanism where you will be able to climb skill trees in order to level up your abilities. With the help of these abilities, you will be able to defeat your enemies more easily.
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In A Plague Tale: Requiem, you will be able to upgrade your skills through three different trees. There are four abilities that you can get in each tree, which means that there are a total of twelve of them in the game. The three trees are called Prudence, Aggressive and Opportunism, and here are all the skills that they contain.
This skill tree is for those who prefer stealth.
- Armour Piercer – Backstab enemies even with Armor.
- Light Footstep – Less movement noise, can move stealthily past enemies.
- Nimbleness – More balance when crouching.
- Throwing Stance – Throw items further.
Upgrading this skill tree will increase your damage output.
- Grappler – Push enemies.
- Quick Fingers – Faster reload and attack rate.
- Recovery – Quicker health recovery.
- Vital Points – More critical hits.
With the help of this skill, you will be able to save more on resources and time.
- Alchemy Knowledge – Craft alchemical ammo faster.
- Material Division – Get extra pieces when crafting alchemical weapons.
- Nothing Lost – Save more resources when crafting alchemical weapons.
- Pure Product – Craft extra alchemical ammo.
These are all the skills that you can upgrade in the game. A good strategy is to pick one that appeals to you and focus on it, instead of being a jack-of-all-trades.