All Marvel Rivals Team-Up Abilities and How to Use

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Marvel Rivals takes team-based gameplay to the next level with its unique Team-Up Abilities. These abilities pair iconic heroes and villains, unlocking powerful effects that can turn the tide of battle. In this article, we will have listed all Marvel Rivals team-up abilities and how to use them.

All Marvel Rivals Team-Ups 




How to Use
Voltaic Union

Captain America, Storm, ThorCharged AegisCharged GaleThunderous DeityCharged Aegis: Thor infuses Thorforce into Storm and Captain America, granting them an electrifying enhancement. With an electrifying enhancement, Storm can unleash a lightning barrage. With an electrifying enhancement, Captain America gains a Movement Boost, and his shield is imbued with thunder power, electrocuting nearby enemies.
Charged Gale: Thor infuses Thorforce into Storm and Captain America, granting them an electrifying enhancement. With an electrifying enhancement, Storm can unleash a lightning barrage. With an electrifying enhancement, Captain America gains a Movement Boost, and his shield is imbued with thunder power, electrocuting nearby enemies.
Thunderous Deity: Thunderous Deity: Thor infuses Thorforce into Storm and Captain America, granting them an electrifying enhancement. With an electrifying enhancement, Storm can unleash a lightning barrage. With an electrifying enhancement, Captain America gains a Movement Boost, and his shield is imbued with thunder power, electrocuting nearby enemies.
Ragnarok Rebirth

Hela, Loki, ThorFriendly ShoulderLaufeyson RebornOdinson RebornFriendly Shoulder: When Hela lands a final hit in defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them Bonus Health if they are still alive.
Laufeyson Reborn: When Hela lands a final hit in defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them bonus health if they are still alive.
Odinson Reborn: When Hela lands a final hit in defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them bonus health if they are still alive.
Ammo Overload

Rocket Raccoon, The Punisher, Winter SoldierAmmo InventionInfinite GritInfinite PunishmentAmmo Invention: Rocket Raccoon throws an Ammo Overload device in the target direction. Upon entering the device’s range, the Punisher and Winter Soldier receive the buffs of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.
Infinite Grit: Rocket Raccoon throws an Ammo Overload device in the target direction. Upon entering the device’s range, the Punisher and Winter Soldier receive the buffs of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.
Infinite Punishment:  Rocket Raccoon throws an Ammo Overload device in the target direction. Upon entering the device’s range, the Punisher and Winter Soldier receive the buffs of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.
Guardian Revival

Adam Warlock, Mantis, Star-LordLeader’s SoulNature’s SoulSoul PerseveranceLeader’s Soul: “Adam Warlock enhances the rebirth power of Star-Lord, granting him the power of cocooned revival.”
Nature’s Soul: Adam Warlock enhances the rebirth power of Star-Lord and Mantis, granting them the power of cocooned revival.
Soul Perseverance:  Adam Warlock enhances the rebirth power of Star-Lord and Mantis, granting them the power of cocooned revival.
Metallic Chaos

Scarlet Witch, MagnetoChaotic BondMetallic FusionChaotic Bond: Scarlet Witch can infuse Chaos Energy into Magneto to enchant his greatsword. Upon receiving the Chaos Energy, Magneto can unleash its full force, striking down enemies with his enchanted greatsword.
Metallic Fusion: Scarlet Witch can infuse Chaos Energy into Magneto to enchant his greatsword. Upon receiving the Chaos Energy, Magneto can unleash its full force, striking down enemies with his enchanted greatsword.
Planet X Pals

Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Jeff the Land SharkFriendly ShoulderNew FriendsOld FriendFriendly Shoulder: Jeff the Land Shark and Rocket Raccoon can ride on Groot’s shoulders, receiving Damage Reduction.
New Friends: Jeff the Land Shark and Rocket Raccoon can ride on Groot’s shoulders, receiving Damage Reduction.
Old Friends: Jeff the Land Shark and Rocket Raccoon can ride on Groot’s shoulders, receiving Damage Reduction.
Dimensional Shortcut
Magik, Black Panther, PsylockeDisc MasterPsionic DiscWakandan MasterDisc Master: When Magik is on the field, Black Panther and Psylocke can tap into Limbo to rewind a few seconds back to a previous position; after passing through Limbo, Black Panther and Psylocke will gain Bonus Health based on missing health.
Psionic Disc: When Magik is on the field, Black Panther and Psylocke can tap into Limbo to rewind a few seconds back to a previous position; after passing through Limbo, Black Panther and Psylocke will gain Bonus Health based on missing health.
Wakandan Master: When Magik is on the field, Black Panther and Psylocke can tap into Limbo to rewind a few seconds back to a previous position; after passing through Limbo, Black Panther and Psylocke will gain Bonus Health based on missing health.
Gamma Charge

Hulk, Doctor Strange, Iron ManGamma BoostGamma MaelstromGamma OverdriveGamma Boost: Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes Gamma Maelstrom. When Iron Man uses Armor Overdrive, he will initiate a gamma upgrade.
Gamma Maelstrom: Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes Gamma Maelstrom. When Iron Man uses Armor Overdrive, he will initiate a gamma upgrade.
Gamma Overdrive:  Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes excess gamma energy. When Iron Man uses Armor Overdrive, he will initiate a gamma upgrade.
Symbiote Bond

Venom, Spider-Man, Peni ParkerTo be updatedVenom gives Spider-Man and Peni Parker a special ability that lets them unleash a symbiote attack, damaging enemies and knocking them back.
Chilling Charisma
Luna Snow, Namor, Jeff the Land SharkFrozen SpawnFrozen SpitballIcy DiscoFrozen Spawn: Luna Snow infuses ice energy into Namor and Jeff the Land Shark, who then can tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will.
Frozen Spitball: Luna Snow infuses ice energy into Namor and Jeff the Land Shark, who then can tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will.
Icy Disco: Luna Snow infuses ice energy into Namor and Jeff the Land Shark, who then can tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will.
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By Nandita
Damsel in her own distress, abodes in her imaginary world, and enchanted by the magical realms of Elden Ring. A professional overthinker who loves to weave captivating stories, and is fascinated by the art of doing nothing. When not lost in thought, paints canvases that echo her wildest daydreams!
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