Alan Wake 2 Investigate The Crime Scene

QM Staff
3 Min Read

Alan Wake 2 has a Mind Place feature, where players can take a mental image and save that image on the case board. Players will be deducting many cases and murder mysteries this way. One of the missions is called Investigate the Crime Scene in which players will be investigating the murder scene and the victim’s body and then deducing the causes of the murder. This guide will show you how to complete the mission called Investigate the Crime Scene in Alan Wake 2. 

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Investigate The Crime Scene in Alan Wake 2

To complete the mission called Investigate the Crime Scene, players need to follow these steps: 

  1. Players will be given this mission at the early stage of the game 
  2. Then players need to go to the Cauldron Lake and go near the General Store to the murder site 
  1. There, players will meet 2 other officers and start investigating the crime scene (small cutscene) 
  2. Then players will be given the option to investigate the victim’s body 
  3. There, players will be taking mental images and then given an option to go to their Mind Place 
  4. Players need to press “Tab” to open the Mind Place and start placing the evidence image 
  1. In the mind place, players will find answers and try to find the answer for them (deductions and theories) 
  2. After that go out of Mind Place and investigate the other items nearby for more clues 
  3. Then players need to go back to the Mind Place with the new clues and deduce more clues 
  4. Then talk to the officer nearby and learn more about the Victim
  5. Once again go back to your Mind Place and place the images, this will complete the mission as soon as players come out of Mind Place. 

That’s all you need to know about how to complete the mission called Investigate the Crime Scene in Alan Wake 2. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news on various other games.

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