Weapons are an integral part of action RPGs, and Roblox Project Slayers is no exception. As you progress through the game, you will eventually realize that this game has numerous things to understand and explore. However, one of the vital among them is weapons. Without weapons, you can’t progress much through the game. So, if you have been looking for Polar Scythe, this guide will help you know how to get it in Roblox Project Slayers.
Polar Scythe Location in Roblox Project Slayers- Where to Get?
Roblox Project Slayers has been running for almost three years, and the developers often release new updates to bring new content, weapon, items, features, etc., to the game so it never gets boring. If you have been playing Project Slayers recently, you are aware that the latest 1.5 update has brought lots of new things to the game, including new weapons. Polar Scythe is one of them.
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Polar Scythe is a Polar weapon introduced newly in the game. It not only looks cool, but also it has the ability to freeze anything or anyone. To be more precise, if you hit an object or enemy with Polar Scythe, it will freeze. Therefore, it is not surprising that players want this weapon to use it against strong bosses.
If you have been looking for the Polar Scythe, you have to find the Sound Cave in Ouwohana. After arriving at the location, look for a Blue Statue with a Scythe in its hand. Roam around the feet of the statue, and you will fall down to a Secret Passage. Follow the way until you get to the maze. If you are confused about solving the maze, don’t panic. You only need to stick to the right. From all the junctions, take a right, and you will solve the maze. In the end, you will reach the Glass Box with Polar Scythe inside.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Polar Scythe in Project Slayers. Once you reach the Glass Box, you can’t automatically get it. Instead, you must have a Metal Scythe. That’s the first requirement. Next, you have to spend 150000 Wen or 10 Ore to purchase it.