Taking place in Tokyo, Persona 5 Royal tells the story of Joker, a high school student. Joker is charged with assault and placed on probation, which forces him to transfer to a new school. As he attends a new school, he meets other students who have been misunderstood and are considered delinquents. They are able to enter people’s minds through the Metaverse as a group.
Each palace now contains three Will Seeds in colors red, green, and blue. Unlike the original Persona 5, there’s now an eighth palace that wasn’t featured in the Depth of Mementos area in Persona 5. This new addition is sure to give the game a new twist.
Let’s find all our Will Seeds in Persona 5 Royal.
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Where to find All Will Seeds?
If you want to unlock an accessory that you can’t get anywhere else, you’ll need to find all three Will Seeds for each palace. The Will Seeds, according to Morgana, are coalesced distortions of the Palace Rulers. Each Palace contains 3 Will Seeds. Each seed is distinguishable by its color, coming in red, green, and blue.
Crystals are Skill Accessories that grant useful perks when all 3 Will Seeds from a particular Palace are collected. If you visit Jose in Mementos, he can upgrade your crystals into rings. However, he can only do this if their respective palace has been destroyed, aside from the Crystal of Sorrow.
Here are all the Will Seeds in Persona 5 Royal:
Palace Number | Palace Name | Rewards |
First Palace | Kamoshida Palace | Ring of Lust |
Second Palace | Madarame Palace | Ring of Vanity |
Third Palace | Kaneshiro Palace | Ring of Gluttony |
Fourth Palace | Futaba Palace | Ring of Wrath |
Fifth Palace | Okumura Palace | Ring of Greed |
Sixth Palace | Nijima Palace | Ring of Envy |
Seventh Palace | Shido Palace | Ring of Pride |
Eight Palace | No Will Seeds found | – |
Ninth Palace | Maruki Palace | Ring of Sorrow |
If you’re not up for the task of finding Will Seeds on your own, you can always purchase them from Jose after you finish exploring the palace. Just keep in mind that they come at the cost of 400 flowers each, which can be pretty irritating to farm for if you’re not already deep in Mementos and exploring a new area of the maze.
This sums up our guide on whether you can save data work with Persona 5 Royal. The game has just released so be sure to check our other guides for more updates on the game.