How to Get & Use Guardian Relics in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

QM Staff
3 Min Read

In Space Marine 2, though strong and skilled warriors, Space Marines can easily be killed by sheer mass of Tyranid creatures. If they ever die, a Space Marine could be revived with the use of one special item in the game called a Guardian Relic. So, if you are a Space Marine that finds himself in a very tight spot, it goes without saying that you need to try to find a Guardian Relic to continue the fight.

Guardian Relics are special items in Space Marine 2 that can help you stay alive and complete difficult missions. They’re especially useful when you’re playing alone, but they can also help you revive if your teammates can’t reach you in time. If you want to learn how to find and use Guardian Relics, keep reading.

How to find Guardian Relics in Space Marine 2

Guardian Relics are small, cubicle items with their names inscribed on them. If you’re in a real hurry and pay little to no attention to the environment, you’ll easily overlook them. Well, here’s how to find Guardian Relics in Space Marine 2:

Search every part of the map

Guardian Relics are hidden all over the game world, just waiting for you to find them. They can be in surprising places, so be sure to explore every part of the map as you fight your way through the enemies. You’ll find many Guardian Relics just by following the main missions.

Break every chest and boxes

To have a better chance of finding Guardian Relics, break any boxes and chests you see. These containers often contain healing items; sometimes, you might find a Guardian Relic inside them.

Look for Guardian Relics using your weapon’s crosshair

To find Guardian Relics, point your weapon’s crosshair at dark areas or corners of the map. If there’s a Guardian Relic there, its name will appear above it.

How To Use Guardian Relics 

Guardian Relics are essential items in Space Marine 2 that let you revive yourself. If you get knocked out in battle and your teammates can’t help you, you can use a Guardian Relic to get back up. Using a Guardian Relic is much faster than waiting for a teammate to revive you.

The bad news is you can only carry one Guardian Relic at a time, and they can only be used once. So, it would be best if you were careful about when you use them. It’s best to save them for challenging missions and boss battles in Space Marine 2.

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