League of Legends is one of the most popular games of recent times. Though, it’s been more than a decade since its initial release, Riot Games never neglected the popularity of this game. Frequently they release new updates to make the gameplay more exciting. With the latest 13.24 patch on December 7, the Arena mode makes a comeback. If you are trying to figure out the best characters to play choose in the Arena mode 2v2v2v2, this guide will help you with a detailed tier list.
Best Characters to Choose in League of Legends Arena 2v2v2v2
If you have been grinding through the battle games for a long time, you are aware that selecting the best characters is a must in these games. But in the case of LOL Arena, this task seems challenging as the game provides players with numerous characters to choose from. But if you can sort the best out of them, you can place a well-made powerful team to set out for your journey.
If you are looking for some help, check out the tier list below-
S Tier
These are the best characters in the game. Whether early game or end game, these characters won’t find more powerful characters than these legends. This tier includes-
- Gragas
- Illaoi
- Kayn
- Swain
- Vladimir
- Trundle
- Elise
- Jhin
- Kayle
- Dr. Mundo
- Fiora
- Gwen
- Vayne
- Zed
- Master Yi
- Sion
- Lillia
- Pyke
- Poppy
- Samira
- Sylas
- Udyr
- Varus
This tier comes next. With almost equally powerful abilities, these legends can help you out in any situation. This tier includes:
- Bel’Veth
- Brand
- Yasuo
- Yorick
- Zac
- Cho’Gath
- Draven
- Evelynn
- Ezreal
- Garen
- Karma
- Katarina
- Kha’Zix
- Kog’Maw
- K’Sante
- Lee Sin
- Leona
- Mordekaiser
- Naafiri
- Pantheon
- Hecarim
- Janna
- Jayce
- Kalistsa
- Rammus
- Riven
- Syndra
- Veigar
- Vi
- Warwick
- Alistar
- Ashe
- Bard
These are average characters. But still, these are better than multiple other characters in the game. This tier includes:
- Akshan
- Sona
- Cassiopeia
- Fiddlesticks
- Amumu
- Anivia
- Aphelios
- Braum
- Sivir
- Skarner
- Galio
- Graves
- Ivern
- Jarvan IV
- Kassadin
- Kennen
- Kindred
- Kled
- Lucian
- Milio
- Morgana
- Nami
- Nasus
- Nidalee
- Ornn
- Rakan
- Caitlyn
- Camille
- Shyvana
- Rell
- Ryze
- Senna
- Shen
- Taliyah
- Talon
- Tristana
- Twisted Fate
- Vel’Koz
- Viktor
- Xin Zhao
- Nilah
- Nunu
- Orianna
- Zeri
These are the below-average characters in the game. Though their abilities are still better than a few, we suggest not choosing them, if you have the option. This tier includes:
- Heimerdinger
- Darius
- Diana
- Fizz
- Gangplank
- Jax
- Tahm Kench
- Aatrox
- Ahri
- Kai’Sa
- Karthus
- Leblanc
- Lissandra
- Annie
- Azir
- Corki
- Gnar
- Xerath
- Yone
- Ziggs
- Zoe
- Irelia
- Jinx
- Lulu
- Malzahar
- Nautilus
- Nocturne
- Renekton
- Rumble
- Sejuani
- Shaco
- Soraka
- Thresh
- Tryndamere
- Twitch
- Urgot
- Viego
- Wukong
- Olaf
- Qiyana
- Quinn
- Rek’Sai
- Renata Glasc
- Xayah
These are the worst characters in the game. Try to avoid these characters as they won’t help you in any way. This tier includes:
- Akali
- Hwei
- Lux
- Malphite
- Briar
- Ekko
- Yuumi
- Maokai
- Miss Fortune
- Neeko
- Rengar
- Seraphine
- Sett
- Singed
- Teemo
- Vex
- Aurelion Sol
- Blitzcrank
- Zilean
- Zyra
That’s all you need to know about the best LoL Arena 2v2v2v2 characters. If you are looking for some help, go through the above tier list and determine the most suitable legends for you. Also, this tier is not an official one but is made based on our choice. So, if you disagree, you can try all these characters to find the best for you.
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