Payday 3, an upcoming first-person shooter game developed by Starbreeze Studios and published by Deep Silver, is the sequel to Payday 2. The game continues the theme of heists, where a group of players is dispatched to a location with the objective of stealing as much money as possible. Players will be participating in many missions and one of the missions is called Dirty Ice Vault in which players will be going to rob a jewellery shop. To completely rob the shop and complete the mission, players need to open the safe in the shop as well. This guide will show you how to open the Safe of Dirty Ice Vault mission in Payday 3.
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How to open the Safe of Dirty Ice Vault mission?
In order to complete the mission and open the Safe of the Shop, players need to follow these steps:
- Players will be taking control of the shop and its basement
- Players then need to open the safe but it is locked and requires 2 mechanisms to open
- The first button is going to be located in the Manager’s Office main table
- Players need to go to the back of the store from the main entrance or from the back
- After that, players will be able to lockpick their way into the Manager’s office
- On the table, players will find the first button to open the Vault’s door
- Now for the second key, players need to go to the basement
- In the basement, players need to go to the security room
- In the security room, players will find the keycard
- Then go to the vault’s door and use the keycard to open the door.
That’s all you need to know about How to open the Safe of Dirty Ice Vault mission in Payday 3. If you find this article helpful, you can check our website for more such guides on Starfield and various other games.