10 Beginner Tips and Tricks to Play League to Legends: Wild Rift

QM Staff
5 Min Read

League of Legends is a team-based multiplayer game with over 140 Champions where you group in teams of 5 to destroy enemy towers and nexus to win the game. LoL: Wild Rift was created by Riot to bring the epic team battle experience at the tip of your fingers. You can choose from 83 different champions and various game modes with cool awards. Want to experience the thrill but don’t know where to start? Let us help you!

Beginner Tips to play League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends is a high-skill expressive game and requires great effort to learn. However, your journey can be made a little simpler and less frustrating with these simple tricks.

1. Start off by learning the map. Now, this is important because it will help you in securing important objectives during the game. Know the various monsters that spawn.

2. Move on to knowing about each lane and the champions that are generally played in each lane.

Top lane/Baron lane – Usually melee champions

Mid lane – Usually mages

Duo lane/Dragon lane – Marksmen + Support

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 3. Every champion has 3 basic abilities and 1 ultimate. An ultimate ability is one that deals a much larger amount of damage than your basic abilities, therefore remember to not waste them as they have a much longer cool down. It can be a turning point in a team fight and your survival.

4. League is one of the games which requires a high set of skill and dedication to learn. The best way is to start easy. And a good way to do that is to pick champions with straightforward abilities. Here are some recommendations:

Top lane – Garen/Nasus

Mid lane – Annie/Ahri

Jungle – Shyvanna

Duo lane – Ashe

Support – Sona/Serapphine

5. Keep in mind and be ready for when the dragon spawns which is 5 minutes into the game. Do not forget to team up and try to secure it, as it provides a permanent buff and advantage to your team going forward. It is better if you team up for this instead of leaving it to your jungler as that reduces the chance of it being stolen by the enemy team.

6. If you’ve low health do not go up against 2 champions, it is best to back out, recall and heal because higher chances are even if you’re under your tower you’ll get killed which will give the enemy team gold and XP that might cause your team to fall behind.

7. Remember to place vision wards on the bushes near your lane so you don’t get jumped by enemy jungler. Vision on the rift is very important.

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8. Have at least one team member keep a red ward as it gives you true sight. This can be used to deal with champions who have invisibility in their kits and can ambush you during team fights or while roaming the jungle.

9. Know the importance of farming gold. Try to be the last one to hit minions to kill them so you get more gold, unless you are playing support. You need to farm gold as efficiently as possible to be able to buy items. Buying items helps increase your champions damage output going forward.

10. Remember to check the passive abilities of the champion you are playing. Other than 3 basic abilities + an ultimate ability champions also have passive abilities which add more complexity to champions and enable more skill expression due to its varied implications.

We hope these tips will help you slowly improve and feel a little less lost as a new player.

Read Next: League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List August 2022

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