The cause of the Destiny 2 error code Nightingale is still vague with no clear instructions from Bungie. The company suggests restarting the system, reinstalling the game, or checking for hardware issues. While these have worked for a large number of users, there are players who could not resolve the issue via this basic troubleshooting.
Therefore, we recommend you follow our troubleshooting guide to try and fix the problem. A lot of players of Destiny 2 were able to resolve their error by following these fixes.
If you have not tried any of the fixes, it’s best to start with the recommendations of Bungie.
Fix 1: Try Playing Destiny Again
If you have come across the error for the first time, it is recommended that you try playing the game again and resume the activity. If the error still appears and is not allowing you to progress, exit the game and retry. If the problem persists, try clearing the console and Steam cache.
Fix 2: Clear Console and PC Cache
At times corrupted or overwritten temporary files of the game can cause the error code Nightingale. Clearing the cache and allowing the system to download a fresh copy can fix the error. Here is how you can do that.
Clear Console Cache to Fix Nightingale Error
- Close the game and power down the console.
- Once the console has completely shut down, dislodge the power cord and allow the console to rest for a few minutes.
- Reconnect the power cord and restart the console normally.
- Launch Destiny 2 and play the game.
Delete Cache from Steam in PC
- Open the Steam Client on your PC.
- Go to Steam on the upper-left corner > Settings > Downloads.
- Click on Clear Download Cache and select Ok.
- Try playing the game and check if the error still appears.
Fix 3: Reinstall Destiny or Destiny 2
If the above two fixes did not resolve the error, reinstalling the game should fix any issue with the game. A large number of users were able to fix the Destiny 2 error code Nightingale by reinstalling the game. From the console delete the game and reinstall it. PC users can also do the same. Once you have uninstalled and reinstalled the game try playing.
Fix 4: Check If the Network and Other Hardware are
Working Properly
As per Bungie, if the above solutions failed to eliminate the error with the game, the possible cause of the error can be faulty hardware – network or console. Before you start troubleshooting the hardware, try playing other games to see if they work. If you are unable to play other games, the problem is with your hardware.
Additionally, switch to a wired connection if you are using Wi-Fi or mobile hotspot and vice versa. This would help you identify a faulty connection. If none of the solutions work, try contacting Microsoft Support: or Sony Support:
Fix 5: Ensure you Device DNS Corresponds with the
Under normal circumstances, the custom DNS works for most users, but every once in a while you have to make sure the system is using the same DNS as the router. But first, you have to determine the DNS. Here is how you can identify the DNS.
Identify the DNS Servers
- Open Command Prompt in Admin Mode
- Type ipconfig /all
- Locate DNS Servers and copy the two IPs
Set DNS for Xbox Users
- Go to Xbox One Dashboard and click the Options button on the controller
- Follow the path Network > Advanced Settings > DNS Settings > Manual
- Enter both the IPs you copied in the primary and the secondary fields and save the changes. Restart the console and check if the error code still appears.
Set DNS for PlayStation Users
- In the PlayStation, go to Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection
- Depending on your connection, you can choose Wi-Fi or LAN Cable
- Choose Custom
- Automatic under IP Address Settings
- Click on Do Not Specify
- Select Manual for DNS Settings
- Enter the primary and secondary DNS you copied and click Next
- Automatic in the next screen > Do Not Use
- Click on Test Internet Connection to verify the changes.
You are done try playing the game again and check if Destiny 2 error code Nightingale. Let us know in the comments what worked and what did not.
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