GTA Online features several Contract DLC Missions. Players are instructed to do various types of things to complete these missions. For example, finding the combination for Tequi La La Safe is also a part of one of the Contract DLC Mission. This guide will help you find out the location of the combination to unlock the Tequi La La Safe in GTA Online.
Locations of the Combination of Tequi La La Safe
If you are playing GTA Online Contract DLC Missions, one mission will take you to Tequi La La, and there you need to unlock a safe. The safe needs the right combination to unlock, and the player’s objective is to find the combination. But the problem is that there is no specific place to get the combination. The paper in which the combination is written can be found in several locations, and the game also wants the players to search each location carefully before getting the combination.
The combination is written on a small piece of paper, and you have to search the whole building minutely to find the paper. The first probable location is on the ground floor, behind the bar. Search among the bottles to get it. The second probable place is the main stage, next to the speakers. And the third and the last probable location is the small table in the corner of the room, in front of the couch. The combination paper randomly spawns at any of these locations.
Once you get the combination, open the safe, return the necklace to the Agency, and complete your mission.
That’s all you need to know about where to get the combination of Tequi La La Safe in GTA Online. However, if you are curious to complete this mission, check out our guide to get help.