New world has twelve herbs that you need for cooking delicious foods. Mint is one of them. To use mint, first, you need to find it. Finding mint in New World is not very hard. All the twelve herbs can be collected from a single resource named the Herb Plant. The Herb plant can give you any of the twelve resources, but it doesn’t mean that there is no way to know where you will get mints.
In this article, we’ll guide you to find mints in New World.
New World Mint Locations- Where to Find
Though all the 12 ingredients can be found from the herb plant, the spawn of the ingredients varies from location to location. Herbs that you find in Everfall will be different from herbs you’ll get in Monarch’s Bluff. If you want to find mint in New World, you should search in Restless Shore, Mourningdale, Weaver’s Fen, and Windsward.
Among these locations, the best area to get mint is Windsward. Other spots also have mints, but the chance of getting mint in Windsward is most. It’s worth noting that you don’t need any level to harvest herbs; all you need is a sickle to harvest mint and all other herbs.
Collecting Herbs is not at all a complicated task. You only need to know where you can get which herb. It doesn’t require any harvesting level to collect herbs. Therefore, you can collect them at any level.