Battlefield 2042 brings the plus system that allows you to toggle attachment on the fly, but if you want to toggle the optics, there is a quicker way to achieve it. While the system is currently bugged for some users, it will allow you to switch between the dot optics and the scope on the fly. If you prefer to use the Plus system, the game informs you about it at the start of each match. The interface button for the attachment menu is the ‘T’ button on PC, LB on Xbox, and L1 on PlayStation. You can use the Plus menu to switch the optics or you can use another quicker method that we will talk about in the article. Keep reading to know how to change optics in Battlefield 2042.
Battlefield 2042 – How to Toggle Optics
Before you start with the guide, you should know that there are a lot of bugs and errors in the beta version of the game, but the current version with the dev team has these bugs patched. While we do not have any confirmation about this particular bug, we know that the console players stuck on Menu have been patched for final release along with the range of other fixes.
While changing the optics is bugged, it’s not disabled as we tried it and it works. If you are among the unlucky few for whom the system does not work, then, reboot the game and hopefully, you will get it this time around.
To change optics in Battlefield 2042 on the fly, you need to aim down sight and press the ‘F’ button on PC and the right stick for consoles. The ‘F’ button is the default melee key, so if you don’t aim down sight, pressing the ‘F’ will have you perform melee action rather than changing the optics.
So, this is how you can toggle optics for the hybrid scope in battlefield 2042. Check out the game category for more informative guides and tips to play the game.