Lost Judgement is an action-adventure game developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and released by Sega, available only in PlayStation (PS4 and PS5) and Xbox. It is a sequel to the game Judgement (released in 2018) and is released on 24th September 2021. The game’s story revolves around the Private detective Takayuki Yagami, investigating a criminal accused of both murder and sexual harassment. It is a single-player game, and the players can control Takayuki Yagami during his investigation to different cities of Japan. There are many things to do in this game, so make sure you save your progress when you are playing the game.
How to Save Game Progress in Lost Judgement
Lost Judgement offers you two options for saving the game- manually and auto-save. Like most other games, Lost Judgement also provides you the manual save opportunity. To manually save the game, all you need to do is click on the Menu option. When you click on it, it will automatically bring up Yagami’s phone. On the right bottom of the phone screen, you will see the Save option; click on it. On the next screen, they provide you the option to select a slot to save your game.
Now, if you are not comfortable with the manual saving process, go for the autosave mode. This autosave system will save you progress regularly. It is quite simple to turn it on. To turn it on, you need to bring out Yagami’s phone again. You’ll find the Setting option at the right bottom of the screen, click on it, and you’ll see the autosave option there. Turn it on. Once you turn it on, your progress in the game will be saved automatically.
That is all we have in this guide on how to save game in Lost Judgement.