Inquisitor Tools are the things required to advance in Salt and Sacrifice. Tools like the grappling hook and the zipline Magnesin Supply allow you to reach previously inaccessible areas of the game. If you’re lost and don’t know what to do next, here is a fantastic place to start. Inquisitor Tools are permanent upgrades and the most essential exploration tools in your arsenal.
You may have discovered remnants of a disused zipline system strewn across Salt and Sacrifice. There’s one in Pardoner’s Vale, and a few more dispersed across the dungeons and biomes that follow. Magnesin pulleys enable for quick movement up, down, or across regions. But how can you put them to use? Fortunately, we’re here to show you how to trigger the Salt and Sacrifice Magnesin ziplines.
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Getting Magnesin Supply in Salt and Sacrifice
You’ll need the Magnesin Supply, which may be acquired on a corpse like the grappling hook. Once you’ve obtained it, locate the accessible end of each zipline pulley, which is the end draped in green vines. You can travel via either end after you’ve triggered it.
Bol Gerahn’s Magnesin Supply may be located in the second region. From the obelisk, turn right and begin the lengthy ascent up and back to the left. Climb high enough to face the Hate-cursed Matriarch, a fairly fearsome lass with a spider’s arse and a huge nark on.
She’s fairly difficult at first, but if you’re having trouble, go level up a little and come back. Beyond that, there aren’t many complicated methods you can use at this time. She is rather easy to stun, at which point you may jump and grapple to her head for more damage.
When she dies, proceed to the left and descend to the foot of the tree. Continue to the left until you can’t go any farther, and then turn right into a cave with a green doorframe. When you walk in, you’ll be ambushed by a black-cloaked spider monster, so you’ll know it’s the proper area! The Magnesin Supply may be found on a corpse to the right. Now you may enjoy revisiting all of the previous regions and reaping the benefits.