Halo Infinite is an upcoming shooter game developed by 343 Industries and scheduled to be released on 8th December 2021. This game features a free-to-play multiplayer mode. Halo Infinite includes several vehicles, weapons, gadgets from the previous games of this series and introduces several new abilities for its characters.
Weapons are one of the most vital things in Battle games, and Halo Infinite is not an exception. Launch Site is a multiplayer map of the game which is a little tough and offers several open spaces and tactical variety. Players often find this map difficult. In this guide, we’ll discuss all the weapon spawn locations in the Launch Site.
All Weapon Spawn Locations On Launch Site
There are more or less 16 locations where weapons spawn on the Launch Site. This map offers the players varieties of weapons and vehicles. Below we’ll list down all the weapon spawn locations to make it easy for the players to find weapons.
Launch Tower
This is the location where usually players spawn. When you spawn here, you’ll find the weapon spawn location right in front of you.
Launch Tower Two
This is another weapon spawn location. You have to go down through a ramp and you’ll get the weapon on the wall.
This location is out of Launch Tower. Come out of the Launch Tower and go left, you’ll find the elevator at the center of the room. your next weapon spawn location is here.
Before, going to the elevator, you can go to the second floor of the Launch Tower and make your way through the catwalk. At the right side of the rocket ship, you’ll find another weapon spawn location.
Tunnel Drop
Once you reach the elevator, you’ll find the Tunnel Drop near it and the weapon spawn location is on the right side of the entrance of the Tunnel Drop.
Sneaky-Power Weapon
To reach Sneaky, you have to get back to the Catwalk and go to the left side. At Sneaky, you’ll get the spawn location of the Power Weapons.
Bunker Platform
At the Bunker, on the opposite of the windows, you’ll find a weapon spawn location.
The Bunker is a good source of weapons and most probably, if you don’t spawn at the Launch Tower, you’ll spawn at Bunker at the beginning of a match. On both sides of the glass windows, there will be weapon spawn locations.
Bunker Nest
To reach Bunker Nest, you have to go up and then go to the left side of the Bunker. The weapon spawn location is against the wall.
To get there, you have to go to the right of the bunker and reach the launcher that will carry you to the Launch Site. Here you’ll get another spawn location.
Comms Tower
Now, if you have explored all the spawn areas in Bunker, leave the bunker to the left and travel through the streets outside. There you’ll find an area named Comms Street where weapons spawn.
Operations Tower
This is located between Launch Side and Bunker. On the second floor of this building, you’ll get the weapon spawn locations.
Another weapon spawn location is the basement. You’ll find the basement at the bottom of the Tower. Take the bottom catwalk or drop down from the trench to reach this area.
Tower Level 2
From the basement, If you go to the second floor, you’ll find the next weapon spawn point next to the window, against the wall.
If you see from the Operations Tower, you’ll find this location. Look across the street and you’ll find a raised platform next to the Plasma Coil. This is the Security area.
Below the Operations Tower, you’ll get the Trench area. Inside the Trench, you’ll find the next Weapon Spawn area.
This is most probably the last weapon spawn point. It is located next to the main bridge and stretched over the street. You go there via the gravity lift(near the Bunker area) or Operations Building.
These are the weapon spawn locations on the Launch Site. If you are playing Halo Infinite and don’t find the weapon spawn locations on the map of Launch Site. Check out our guide to get help.