Most games released over the past month have had a rocky start from PC launch of Horizon Zero Dawn, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Crusader Kings 3, and the new entrant the NBA 2K21. Complains of the game crashing on PS4 is yet to be addressed along with a range of other errors. Even with the recent patch, the error seems to only escalate. The NBA 2K21 ‘Unable to retrieve content info’ error is the new addition to the long list of errors with the game.
Players are facing difficulty creating roster. But don’t worry, we have got the solution to fix your problem. Stick around and we will help you resolve the NBA 2K21 unable to download roster or classes error with the message “Unable to retrieve content info.”
Fix NBA 2K21 ‘Unable to retrieve content info’ error | Unable to Download Rosters or Classes
The NBA 2K21 ‘Unable to retrieve content info’ error and being unable to download rosters or classes is a recurring error with the game and has existed since the several previous versions of the game. When you attempt to download the roster, it will load indefinitely or result in an error.
One of the reasons the error could be occurring is if there is a recent update for the game. As such, you should restart the system and update the game.
Another reason for the error is when the 2K servers are experiencing issues, especially after an update when thousands of people are trying to download the patch. In previous titles, the bug resolved itself but can last anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks.
It’s interesting that once every year with the new installment of the game, this error raises its nasty head. Read further as we have a workaround you can try.
At this point, the only fix that resolves the NBA 2K21 ‘Unable to retrieve content info’ error is to use the MyLeague Share in the game. You will find the most popular roasters uploaded by the in-game creators.
So, until the developers choose to do something about the error, your only option is to use the MyLeague Share.