Far Cry 5 is an incredible first-person shooter and the fifth installment in the series. The plot take place in a fictional city – Hope County – in Montana, United States. Recently, the game came on Steam with a huge discount and is amassing players to the game, but they are faced with the Far Cry 5 Error 000001 & Error 30005. These error are not new and have existed since the launch of the game. If you are running an old computer, your system may not have the SSE 4.1, 4.2 CPU Instructions set. This is the reason you are seeing the Far Cry 5 Error 000001.
Whereas, the Far Cry 5 error 30005 is related to EasyAntiCheat. Here are some fixes you can try to resolve the errors in Far Cry 5.
Fix Far Cry 5 Error Code 000001
If your processor does not support the SSE 4.1, 4.2 CPU Instructions set, then regrettably you won’t be able to play the game. You need to upgrade the CPU if you want to play the game. The error mostly occurs with old AMD processors as they do not support the instruction sets SSE 4.1 and 4.2.
Hence, you need to upgrade your system’s CPU to Ryzen to play the game.
Fix Far Cry 5 Error 30005
The fix for this error is simple. It occurs due to a problem with the EasyAntiCheat folder on your system. You can simply delete the folder to fix the issue. You can find the EasyAntiCheat.sys at c:\Windows\System32\drivers\. Delate the file and the error will be fixed.
That’s all we have in this guide, we hope that your Far Cry 5 errors are fixed.