The new game from Amazon Games Studio – Crucible is out. In the game, players have to battle against other players as well as the environment. From the start of the game, it looks fantastic and appears as a contender for one of the best games this year. But, it seems the developers didn’t anticipate the reception of the game among the gaming community. As the game went live on Steam, everyone wanted to get their hands on the free-to-play PvPvE. Such a large number of users trying to access the games has caused strain on the servers and is causing the Crucible Fatal Error: Login Timeout and Loadout Set Fail.
Cause of Crucible “Fatal Error – Login Timeout” and Loadout Set Fail
Crucible is not the only game we have witnessed with server problems. Almost all games that have launched over the past few years have had server problems including the recent Call of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone. And given the title being free and from such a reputed studio, it’s common sense that a large number of users would jump to play it. For some reasons the developers don’t seem to pay attention to this.
As confirmed by Amazon Games Studio, the Crucible “Fatal Error – Login Timeout” and Loadout Set Fail is a temporary problem and occurs due to the servers experiencing excessive strain as large number of users try to access it. You can expect the problem to be resolved in the coming days if it isn’t already.
As this is a server side problem and not an issue with your system, there is little you can do to help the situation other than wait for the developers to resolve the issue.
Fix the Login Timeout Error with the Game
Currently, there is no direct fix you can apply to this problem other than wait for the developers to fix the problem. You can restart the system and relaunch the game. Sometimes it helps using a VPN, so you may try playing the game from a different region through the VPN. Your particular area might be experiencing excessive traffic to the servers, but not another region. If your play the game from a region that is experiencing minimal traffic, it’s likely the problem will be solved.
Other than that, you cannot do much to fix the problem. Once the server is fixed and you still encounter the error, let us know in the comments and we will update the post on resolving issues on your system that could be preventing you from connecting with the server, but until then, restart the system and the game and hope it works. Currently, as I checked and as reported by other players the servers are working normally, but as the game opens for new regions, you may encounter the Crucible “Fatal Error – Login Timeout” and Loadout Set Fail.