Apex Legends is the second masterpiece from Respawn Entertainment next to Titanfall series. Less than an hour ago the Apex Legends Championship Edition went live with nine new legends and three new legendary skins. Eager fans who jumped to play the game are facing the Apex Legends Champion Edition stuck on loading screen and they can’t hit the Play button. Fortunately, we know exactly what’s the problem and possible workaround for the issue. Stick around and we will help you get past both the issues in the game.
Fix Apex Legends Champion Edition Stuck On Loading Screen, Can’t Hit Play
At the time of writing this post, there are over 70,000 players accessing the game and thousands others downloading. All these traffic to the server is causing strain on the server and leading to various bugs including the Apex Legends stuck on loading screen.
As for the Apex Legends Champions Edition can’t hit Play button, the likely cause is you have not restarted the Steam client and the screen is still stuck at when the game did not launch. The fix is simple, restart Steam and you should be able to play the game.
Working around the Apex Legends Champion Edition Stuck On Loading Screen can be tricky as the problem seems to originate due to the servers being overburdened. If you decide to play the game tomorrow, the issue should be fixed as the number of player today would only grow as more players jump into the game. The problem may escalate after a few hours as thousands of other players wake up to play the game in different regions including the US that has the most number of players.
Some players were able to resolve the issue by persistently restarting the game and trying to get in. You could also try to reset your router and restart everything in an attempt to get into the game. At this time, the only fix that seems to work for users is to repeatedly try to get into the game.
At the moment, that’s all we have to share, but we will update the post as we hear more about the issue. If you have something to add, share them in the comments.