Some installments of the F1 game have been known to corrupt the save files of players, that’s why we suggest that you take regular backups of the F1 22 save file. To do that, you need to know the location of the files. You may also want to know the location of the config file in case you need to tweak a setting that is not available in the Game Options. So, stick around and keep reading. We will share the F1 22 save and config file locations.
Where are the F1 22 Save and Config Files Located?
F1 22 Save Files Location
The save files are located in the same place as any other Steam game. You need to head into the Steam folder on your system. Go to the drive where you have installed the Steam client. Here is the path you need to follow.
Steam Folder > userdata > 105219XXXX > 1692250 > remote
You will find all your saves here in .sav format.
F1 22 Config File Location
The config files can be found in the Documents folder. Here are the steps you can follow to get to the F1 2021 Config file.
- Press Windows Key + R and type %USERPROFILE%
- Open Documents > My Games > F1 22 > hardwaresettings > hardware_settings_config
So, that’s where the F1 22 save and config files are located. For more on the game, check out the game category.