With the launch of the Destiny 2 expansion Beyond Light, the Xur location toady will be a little different. As a majority of the game has been trashed, a lot has changed in the game, so naturally this will impact the location of Xur. However, there is nothing to fret about, will tell you the exact location as we have done from the past year. Even though the position of Xur has changed, we can expect a similar inventory or item, which is one weapon and three pieces of armor. We will list the items at the bottom of the page. Stick around and we will detail you everything about Destiny 2 Xur Location on November 20, where to find Xur and the items on offer.
Destiny 2 Xur Location On November 20 – Where is Xur Today?
At the time of writing this post, the location is Xur is not reveled yet until he appear into existence at 9 AM PT and 12 PM ET (we will update the location below when Xur become live so scroll down. As the usual destination were taken out of the game after the expansion, you can find Xur in new spots. Due to the change of the game environment, you can expect some delay in updating the location of Xur. Nevertheless, we assure you we will update this page as soon as we know about the location. Hence, bookmark this page. You can use the website’s bookmark feature at the top-right corner of the Menu. Scroll down for the exact time when Xur can be found on the Destiny 2 map for PT, ET, and BST.
Destiny 2 Xur Location On November 20 – Where is Xur Today?
When you see the New Adventures Available message on your screen that’s the indication that Xur will soon show up. The time of the game has changed with the expansion, so Xur will appear in the new Spring time, which is 5 PM BST for US, 9 AM PT, and 12 PM ET.
Destiny 2 Xur Location On November 20 – Where is Xur Today?
We expect that Xur will have the same number of items on offer as always, which is one weapon and three armor pieces. Again, we will update the page when the items are confirmed, but we can make an informed guess. Take the below items with a pinch of salt and refresh the page when Xur becomes live.
- Weapon: (Not Confirmed) and will cost 29 Legendary Shards
- Armor: (Not Confirmed) and will cost 23 Legendary Shards
- Armor (Titan): (Not Confirmed) and will cost 23 Legendary Shards
- Armor (Hunter): (Not Confirmed) and will cost 23 Legendary Shards
See you soon after Xur appears in the world.